Separately apply 10 µL each of the
Test preparation and
Standard preparations A and
C to a portion of the chromatographic plate, and separately apply 1 µL each of the
Test preparation and
Standard preparation B to the remaining portion of the plate. Dry the applications in a current of warm air, develop the chromatograms, remove the plate from the developing chamber, and mark the solvent front. Dry the plate in warm circulating air, and examine the plate under short-wavelength UV light: the
RF value of the principal spot obtained from the
Test preparation corresponds to the spots obtained from the adjacent chromatograms of
Standard preparations A and
C. Spray the plate with
Naphthalenediol reagent, heat at 90
for 5 minutes, and examine the plate: the
RF value of the principal blue-purple spot obtained from the
Test preparation corresponds to that obtained in the adjacent chromatogram of
Standard preparation B. Cool the plate, spray it with
Iodoplatinate reagent, and examine the plate: bupivacaine appears as a blue-purple spot on a salmon-colored background, and the dextrose spots fade slightly: the
RF value of the bupivacaine spot obtained from the
Test preparation corresponds to those obtained from the adjacent chromatograms of
Standard preparations A and