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3801 USP Monographs: Rimantadine Hydrochloride
3802 USP Monographs: Rimantadine Hydrochloride Tablets
3803 USP Monographs: Rimexolone
3804 USP Monographs: Rimexolone Ophthalmic Suspension
3805 USP Monographs: Ringer's Injection
3806 USP Monographs: Ringer's and Dextrose Injection
3807 USP Monographs: Lactated Ringer's Injection
3808 USP Monographs: Lactated Ringer's and Dextrose Injection
3809 USP Monographs: Half-Strength Lactated Ringer's and Dextrose Injection
3810 USP Monographs: Modified Lactated Ringer's and Dextrose Injection
3811 USP Monographs: Ringer's Irrigation
3812 USP Monographs: Ritodrine Hydrochloride
3813 USP Monographs: Ritodrine Hydrochloride Injection
3814 USP Monographs: Ritodrine Hydrochloride Tablets
3815 USP Monographs: Ropivacaine Hydrochloride
3816 NF Monographs: Rose Oil
3817 NF Monographs: Stronger Rose Water
3818 USP Monographs: Rose Water Ointment
3819 USP Monographs: Roxarsone
3820 USP Monographs: Rubella Virus Vaccine Live
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